HTML is a scripting language which we use to write web pages. Text is marked up with tags which organise and format the way text is displayed on the page. Because structure is left up to HTML, style is controlled by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). These can be used to format text, colour and even the position of block elements on a page.
The newest generation of HTML available is HTML 5.
When creating a web page you start off with the
tag, this shows the browser that this is a web document. You then create the
tag, this contains information about the site, such as the page title ( This is the title in the browser window, not the title of the page), and other meta information about the page itself.
tag is next. this contains the main 'body' of the web page, and so this is where all the main content will be found. To show the web page where the web document ends the closing HTML tag is used
All tags that are opened need to be closed. think of the opening and closing tags as a container
in which elements are kept within.
CSS 'Cascading style sheets' are used with HTML to control style. Things such as text colour, type, size, can all be controlled and edited by an internal or external style sheet. This could be a simple text document similar to the HTML one, and would be saved somewhere within the same directory.
Many WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors can be used to create web pages in a more organic way by dragging and editing text and images. These aren't always preferred because they put excessive amounts of code into the script. This can make editing the source code very difficult.
This is the basic structure of a web page:
<head><title>My Web Page</title></head>
<p>This is a paragraph within the main body</p>
The above is a basic web page that would do no more that display a paragraph, but there are considerably more elements at work.
Keywords are a very important part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). targeting specific keywords will mean a better ranking in search engines. This is often used to obtain leverage over the competition.
SEO can, in it simplest form, mean optimising on page factors such as Title META description, head tags and URL name. Optimising your page in this way can mean the difference between a top 1000 site in the search engine, to a page sitting in the top 100. Focusing on keywords with higher traffic and lower competition could quite realistically get you to a number one ranking.
HTML in its rawest form allows you accurate control over a web page and its elements. From its META information, down to its keywords, structure, style and behaviour.
HTML isn't a programming language it is a mark-up language. It has evolved over the years from a simple way of displaying text, to a more advanced ways of creating web sites containing rich graphics and flash animation.
Basic tags include:
<b>Bold text</b>
<i>Italic text</i>
<h1>Large text header</h1>
<center>Centers elements</center>
Andrew is a Website Designer from Suffolk, England, who enjoys creating cool sites and playing keyboard in his band the Looshkins.
Come and see my blogs at html creator
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